The incredible size of the world wide web makes it extremely difficult for most websites to even be seen in search results much less achieve clicks and conversions.
Competition for eyeballs is huge.
Don’t let your site get lost in the abyss.
The Web has grown from 441 million pages in 1996 to more than 130 trillionThat’s 130,000,000,000,000
Source: Search Engine Roundtable, see link [1] pages today.[1]
When consumers search for products, services, or information online, most websites get lost in the digital abyss.
Would you like to elevate your site out of digital obscurity and increase your share of search engine traffic?
The good news is, there’s a massive audience of web users out there – more than 3 billion worldwide and growing.
This audience generates more than 40,000 search queries per second through Google alone causing a constant deluge of opportunities in search results!
The question is how to get your site to show in the flow.
The answer… effective SEO.
Search engine optimization. Employing proven strategies — best practices per Google and Bing — can boost your website’s visibility in search results despite the waterfall of competition you’re up against. RVC can help.

RVC Website Services

RVC Services

RVC Web Hosting is a turnkey website hosting solution for website owners who do not have the time or inclination to deal with the technical issues that invariably arise with a web hosting account. One, two and three-year terms are available. Inclusions:
- 24×7 uptime monitoring
- Account setup & configuration
- Free migration from other hosting providers
- Free SSL certificate
- Firewall
- Free email address using your site’s domain name
- and more

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of enhancing certain aspects of a website in order to raise its visibility in organic (non-paid) web search results. The goal is simple: get your site found by more web users and increase visitor traffic. While no one can guarantee a position on page 1 of Google or Bing, if your site has never been optimized by an SEO professional, chances are good that its default position (rank) in search results for relevant keyword queries can be improved — in many cases, significantly!
RVC will provide a free site assessment before committing to any work. After the evaluation, if we do not believe we can improve your site’s rank in Google SERPS, we’ll let you know and not waste your time or ours. Learn more about RVC SEO Services or contact us for your free estimate for enhancing your site’s visibility in web search results.
Website Design
& Development

Whether starting from scratch or sprucing up the look and feel of an existing website, RVC websites are developed with relentless attention to detail using best practices endorsed by WordPress, Google, and Bing. Websites by RVC are mobile-friendly and built with SEO in mind. At a minimum, they include intuitive navigation, a contact form, relevant engaging imagery, and a logo if you don’t already have one. The rest depends on your requirements or, if you leave it to me, my imagination.
Please note, RVC websites are built with the free, open source solution WordPress. WordPress is more than website software. It’s a content management system (CMS) and it powers more than 43% of all sites across the web (Source). Also, RVC websites are only offered in conjunction with RVC Web Hosting. We cater to clients looking for a turnkey solution – website development + hosting. If that appeals to you, contact us today for a project estimate.
Encrypt Your Website
for Security and SEO

Even if you don’t sell products or accept payments on your website, there are compelling reasons to have all pages of your site encrypted. First of all, in 2014, Google started using HTTPS as a ranking signal. (HTTPS is the technical reference for secure communication over a computer network, e.g., the Internet.) And if a ranking boost isn’t compelling enough, you should know that HTTPS also stops eavesdroppers from listening in when site visitors use your email/contact form or other web forms on your site.
Equally important, HTTPS uses authentication to ensure that web users communicate with the intended website, protecting against website spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks. Migrating a website to HTTPS can be tricky. RVC can help. Contact us for your free estimate.

Google began rolling out a mobile-friendly update to their search engine algorithm on April 21, 2015. The announcement stated that Google was boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages on mobile search results. Bing announced similar changes the next month. Also in April 2015, Comscore announced that mobile Internet usage surpassed desktop computers as the most used digital platform. So, at this point it’s clear. Online businesses that want to compete effectively in the digital realm must have a mobile-friendly website.
If you are building a new site, a fully responsive design is definitely the way to go. However, if you already have a website that you paid good money for and would prefer that it not be modified because you love its design, an adaptive mobile solution is your best bet. It’s a faster, less expensive way to go. Contact RVC for your free estimate on mobilizing your website and take advantage of the Google ranking boost the mobile-friendly factor provides.

When all else fails, pay your way to the top! The reality is, if you are in a highly competitive industry (e.g., legal, travel, tech) with an over-abundance of businesses saturating the web, particularly for your local area, it’s unlikely your website is ranking well enough in search results to glean much traffic organically (non-paid). The beauty of search engine advertising is it’s less expensive than most other forms of advertising and it generates exposure to consumers at the precise time they are searching for the products, services, or information you offer.
Moreover, robust reporting allows you to verify which ads produce site visitors and whether they convert (purchase your product, email you, download your e-book, or take some other desired action). RVC can get an effective ad campaign up and running for your website which will increase your site’s exposure and visitor count. Contact RVC for your free estimate on advertising your site in Google’s search engine results.
There are specific steps that need to be taken to elevate your website from the depths of the digital abyss. (A.k.a. page three and beyond in Google and Bing search results.) They start with a comprehensive assessment of your site and your competition and a clear understanding of your target market. Relevant high-value keywords, appropriate metadata, quality content and links are all essential to your site’s success.

Take the first step to elevating your site from the depths of the digital abyss. Contact RVC.
Drop us a line and we will perform a free, confidential, no-obligation assessment of your website and let you know if we can improve upon its current visibility in search results and provide a measurable increase in visitor traffic.
Let’s get busy saving your site from the obscurity of the digital abyss. Improve your website’s visibility in Google and Bing search results. Go with RVC SEO services and get found by internet users and increase visitor traffic to your website.