
How to Pay RVC via PayPal Platform

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Instructions for paying an RVC invoice with a debit or credit card, or with a PayPal account

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Initial screen for RVC (Render Visions Consulting) PayPal checkout screen flow: enter invoice # and "Proceed to Payment Page"

1.) To begin, enter the invoice number from the invoice you received from Render Visions Consulting. If the invoice is not handy, enter a brief description of the service(s) provided, e.g., SEO services, installed PayPal, etc.

Next, click or tap the green “Proceed to Payment Page” button to access the payment portal.

Please have your payment card info ready. You’ll need the card number, expiration date, and security code from the back of the card.

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PayPal checkout screen flow example: input dollar amount

2.) Enter the amount you wish to pay in the “Price per item” field and click or tap “Continue.”

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Example PayPal checkout screen with choice between PayPal login and use of payment card directly

3.) You have the option of paying with funds from your PayPal account or simply using a Debit or Credit Card.

  • To use your PayPal funds, you will need to log in to your PayPal account. Enter your email address associated with your PayPal account and click or tap “Next.” It is assumed that you know how to log in to your account so instructions conclude here for this option.
  • To use your debit or credit card, simply click or tap the gray “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” button.

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Credit card information input screen example

4.) To pay with debit or credit card, complete the above form and click or tap the “Pay Now” button.

Please note:

  • All fields in the above form are required to be filled in.
  • The “CSC” is the Card Security Code which is a three or four digit number usually found on the back of the card. Visa calls it CVV2 and MasterCard calls it CVC2.
  • You should use the Billing Address and Contact Information associated with the card.
  • An automated payment submission confirmation will be sent to the email address provided.

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Payment confirmation screen example

5.) This is the transaction confirmation screen letting you know that you successfully submitted your payment via payment card.

While you will receive an automated email from PayPal confirming the payment card transaction was submitted, you will also receive a credited invoice from Render Visions Consulting once the transaction has been fully processed and funds have been received.

Thank you.

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Render Visions Consulting